Hello World, again

I am currently working on getting the blog section of my site up and running again. I've had multiple attempts in the past, but I am confident that this time it will stay. I have a lot of tutorials and videos planned and need a place to share code snippets and write-ups. I initially considered using Medium, but I believe building my own platform will be much more enjoyable.
I have been using Contentful as my CMS and it has been performing exceptionally well for me. The previous version of my site was built with Gatsby in 2020, but I have decided to migrate everything over to Next.js. as it is the technology I have been using for the past few years for most of my side projects.
The code snippets of this are using prismjs and works pretty well check it out:
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { Layout } from '@/components/layout' export default function Home() { return ( <Layout> Hello world!!!! </Layout> ) }
Anyways that's all for now! I'll be posting a few quick tutorials real soon around OpenAI and how I've been using it for a few small projects.
- Romel